How Selphyl® PRFM Improves on Traditional PRP

Close,Up,Portrait,Of,Beautiful,Young,Woman,Isolated,On,Blue Selphyl® platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM) works with your body’s natural healing factors to help give your skin a more youthful appearance. Selphyl® PRFM improves on traditional platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in several ways.


PRP contains unique proteins that promote the growth of new cells, stimulating the generation and repair of the skin. An esthetician draws a small amount of blood from the patient and places it into a centrifuge to separate it into individual components. The platelets and plasma are then collected from the upper layer of the sample and infused into areas of the skin with tissue damage, where they encourage cellular production.

Selphyl® PRFM

Selphyl® PRFM enhances the effects of PRP by spinning the centrifuge at a lower speed, allowing some stem cells and white blood cells to remain in the upper layer. This change causes the platelets to become highly concentrated, creating a scaffold that protects the platelets. As a result, PRFM provides greater healing benefits.

Similarities Between PRFRM and PRP

PRFM and PRP require the same time and are usually performed once a month for the first few months before tapering off. Most patients typically see results within the first two to three months, which should continue to improve for up to one year. Both options are non-surgical alternatives that require little to no downtime.

Benefits of PRFM

The lower centrifugal speed for PRFM reduces trauma to the stem cells, allowing more healthy cells to remain in the final product. This difference provides PRFM with advantages over PRP. For example, a PRFM matrix is more stable, allowing it to last longer. PRP is typically productive for only one day, while PRFM can promote healing for up to a week.

In addition, PRFM’s sustained production of new cells delivers greater blood flow to a damaged area, providing better results than PRP. Furthermore, the Selphyl® PRFM process removes virtually all contaminating cells from PRFM, providing more consistent results. In comparison, many PRP systems allow extensive contamination by red and white blood cells.

Why Choose the Centre for Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery for Selphyl® PRFM?

Selphyl® PRFM improves on traditional PRP by providing exceptional rejuvenation and healing benefits. Our highly trained team at the Centre for Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery can meet your aesthetic goals while ensuring your safety and satisfaction. Contact us at 401-336-3770 today to schedule a consultation for Selphyl® PRFM in East Greenwich, RI.

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